Monday, August 31, 2009

Letters - 31-aug-2009

I have now served a week of the mission in California, and it has been awesome. My first week has been full of lots of fun things that my companion says that he has never seen before on his mission. I hope that I am able to learn as much as he knows about spanish and the Gospel by the time I'm out here as long as he is. I ended up lucky with a good trainer, his name is Elder Brough by the way, and he is from Memphis, Tennessee. I am serving my first transfer in the Compton 7th ward. Which is the entire part of compton (except for a little sliver) that is in our mission. I have been teaching in spanish and english and everything is going awesome. A couple of nights ago we taught a man named oswaldo and his mom Maria and they are rock solid, and whenever the son has a question Maria comes back with a response from the chapter of scripture and an exact verse to answer his question. I think she reads the chapters we assign her 4 or 5 times before we come back the next day. I hope that everything is going well with you guys and you all keep having fun. Remember that life is too short to be serious all the time and life is to be enjoyed not just endured.
Love ya'll,
Elder Ben Rubert

The bike got here good and is now just sitting in the garage because we drive to our area everyday and have to use the car to jump from one side of compton to the other. We drive a Mazda 3 and it handles really well. My companion has too many tickets so I get to drive everywhere. Which is helping me get to know the area very well. i got blessed with a good companion that knows his stuff and know the gospel lessons. I hope that I can know that much spanish and gospel stuff when I've been here as long as he has. He has 21 1/2 months in the mission. I hope that everything is going good with everyone. Hope to hear from you guys soon. Thanks.
Elder Rubert

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