Tuesday, March 23, 2010

23-mar-2010 letter

Just to let you know that package did get to the mission office and the shirt fits great. Thank you for all of the Girl Scout Cookies as well. Mmmmmmmmm. THis last week has been great, we have another baptism coming up in a couple of weeks for a man named Kaj. It is going ot be awesome, and we found out that I'm still staying in the Cypress 1st ward( by the end of this transfer I will have served in this ward for 6 months) and I'm still with Elder Knight for another transfer as well. We are on bike this next transfer though which will be great. The worst thing in missionary work is when you pass people on the sides because you are in a car. In a bike you can just stop and talk to them. It's great. I'm stoked for this next transfer and we are going to be having lots of success. I love the Cypress 1st ward and am stoked to be able to be here to see all the progress the Lord's Kingdom is making in this area. I hope also that you all are still reading the copies of the Book of Mormon that I sent you so that you can get the blessings and knowledge that God wants you to recieve. I was reading in my studies the other day about the importance of personal revelation, and then when I got my package and was looking through the March Ensign there was that awesome article about not interrupting revelation and this is what I came up with:

How to recieve personal revelation:

1. Live worthy of the Holy Ghost by keeping your covenants and obeying the commandments.
2. Practice listening to the Holy Ghost so that you can recognize when it is talking to you.
3. Write the revelation down that the Lord gives you so that you can ponder and reflect on it.
4. Ponder and Reflect on it.
5. Pray and thank the Lord for the revelation that you have recieved and ask ,"Is there anything more?"

I love you all and hope that you continue reading, praying, going to your church meetings, and magnifying you callings so that you can all be blessed and then we can all be a huge blessed family.

Love you all,

Elder Rubert

P.S. Don't forget conference is coming up, write down some questions you have so that the General Authorities can recieve revelation to answer them for you.

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